Volume I (2013)

Study on Magnetic Field 50 Hz Influence by Statistical Analysis of ECG Signals

Written by Urszula Libal, Dariusz Sztafrowski
Published: 05 October 2013

Abstract: To determine the influence of the magnetic field on the human body, a following experiment was performed. There were recorded 30 ECG signals, 2 for each volunteer: prior to exposure to the field (sample 1) and immediately after exposure (sample 2). The characteristic features were extracted from the recorded signals. The ECG features were determined by measurement and averaging of height of key waves in QRS complex. The differences in ECG signals between paired observations from sample 1 and sample 2 were tested for statistical significance.

Keywords: statistically significant difference, electrocardiogram, magnetic field




Design of control algorithm for coal filling bolt in a power plant boiler

Written by Łukasz Dworzak
Published: 04 October 2013

Abstract: The article presents the steps followed for the development of the schematic equation by new rules for memory realization in Grafpol method. These steps are presented on the example of coal filling bolt in a power plant boiler.

 Keywords: control algorithm, PLC programming, Grafpol method, sequential procedure




ECG Signal Recognition Methods to Determine an Exposure to Magnetic Field

Written by Urszula Libal, Dariusz Sztafrowski
Published: 12 August 2013

Abstract: The paper presents a methodology of research on the magnetic field influence on the human body, based on pattern recognition algorithms. A group of 15 volunteers has been exposed to a 50Hz magnetic field of strength 60 A/m. There were recorded 30 ECG signals, 2 for each experiment participant. The first signal was recorded before an exposure to a magnetic field, and the second signal immediately after exposure to the field. The first signal was recorded before an exposure to a magnetic field, and the second signal immediately after exposure, creating two classes of signals. In the paper we discuss supervised classification methods. The purpose of these methods is to detect whether the exposure to a magnetic field occurred, basing on the automatic analysis of the ECG signal.

Keywords: pattern recognition, electrocardiogram, magnetic field




Evaluation of nutrients bioavailability from fertilizers in in vitro tests

Written by Mateusz Samoraj, Łukasz Tuhy, Katarzyna Chojnacka
Published: 04 July 2013

Abstract: Modern biological fertilizers and biological fertilizers components can release nutrients in bioavailable forms in a controlled manner. Quick evaluation of nutrient bioavailability, essential in the evaluation of quality of fertilizers, is possible to use in vitro extraction tests (conventional, microwave, ultrasonic), described in this article. These tests enable not only total content of nutrients in fertilizer, but also their bioavailability, through simulation of condition occurring in soil solution (e.g. citrate solution).

Keywords: in vitro bioavailability, fertilizers, nutrient extraction




Evaluation of nutrients bioavailability from fertilizers in in vivo tests


Written by Łukasz Tuhy, Mateusz Samoraj, Katarzyna Chojnacka
Published: 04 July 2013

Abstract: Bioavailability of nutrients is crucial in obtaining high crop yields and influences the possible pollution of ground water. The paper presents in vivo methods (seed testing, pot trials, field trials) of the evaluation of micronutrients bioavailability from fertilizers which enable selection of the most efficient way of micronutrient fertilization by determination of bioavailability of micronutrients, plant height and crop yields.

Keywords: fertilizers, micronutrients, bioavailability, in vivo




The use of high-speed camera for dynamic crushing registration


Written by Paweł Kaczyński, Tomasz Dobosz
Published: 04 July 2013

Abstract: A method of high-speed camera recording for registration of dynamic crushing was presented. Energy-absorbing structures commonly used in the automotive industry were studied. Registered high-speed camera signal was compared with the signal obtained by integration of the crushing force.

Keywords: thin-walled structures, crashworthiness, high-speed camera




Probabilistic analysis for stochastic Rectangle Packing Problem algorithm


Written by Adam Kurpisz
Published: 04 July 2013

Abstract: In this paper we consider a modified Rectangle Packing Problem where for each rectangle (module) its width and height come from uniform probability distribution between 0 and 1 - U(0,1). We provide a probabilistic analysis of a simple polynomial-time algorithm for Rectangle Packing Problem. At the end a comparison to the computer simulations is presented.

Keywords: production engineering, optimization, Rectangle Packing Problem

